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Jun 10, 2024

[Answer] 1. The 1968 US number two single "Born to Be Wild" was used in the soundtrack of which 1969 biker film?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. The 1968 US number two single "Born to Be Wild" was used in the soundtrack of which 1969 biker film?"

...1. The Wild Angels 2. Cycle Savage 3. Hells Angels on Wheels 4. Easy Rider Peter Fonda pushed for Crosby, Stills and Nash to record the soundtrack for "Easy Rider" but conceded that "Born to be Wild" better suited the film. "Born to be Wild" was originally composed by Mars Bonfire of The Sparrows as a ballad. His brother played drums for Steppenwolf so he offered the song to the band who in turn completely changed the arrangement. Steppenwolf released the single as the third one from their debut album. "The Pusher" was also used in the soundtrack for "easy Rider". In 1966 Bruce Dern, Peter Fonda and Nancy Sinatra starred in "The Wild Angels". In 1967 Jack Nicholson starred in "Hells Angels on Wheels". In 1970 Bruce Dern was in "Cycle Savages".

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. The 1968 US number two single "Born to Be Wild" was used in the soundtrack of which 1969 biker film?"

Easy Rider:

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