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Jun 11, 2024

[Answer] 1. Died 8 February: Which "Playboy" model and actress married a billionaire and, upon his death, fought with his family for years over the estate, and also had her weight gains and losses recorded in the tabloids?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. Died 8 February: Which "Playboy" model and actress married a billionaire and, upon his death, fought with his family for years over the estate, and also had her weight gains and losses recorded in the tabloids?"

...1. Pamela Anderson Lee 2. Jennifer Jason Leigh 3. Melissa Sue Gilbert 4. Anna Nicole Smith Her birth name was Vickie Lynn Hogan. The Texas-born beauty queen rose to fame as the "adult" magazine's Playmate of the Year in 1993. After she married oil magnate J. Howard Marshall, she became a tabloid figure, as paparazzi relentlessly covered her struggles with her weight and with Marshall's relatives. She died on February 8, 2007 from an overdose of chloral hydrate in combination with diazepam and several other prescription drugs. Her son Daniel Wayne Smith by first husband Billy Smith had predeceased her by five months. (He too, had died of an accidental drug overdose.)

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. Died 8 February: Which "Playboy" model and actress married a billionaire and, upon his death, fought with his family for years over the estate, and also had her weight gains and losses recorded in the tabloids?"

Anna Nicole Smith:

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