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Jun 6, 2024

[Answer] 1. This spirit introduces himself as B-O-N-Z-O on the Ouija board. That's a big enough clue to know that he's the drummer for Led Zeppelin, which ended with his accidental death in 1980. Who is it?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. This spirit introduces himself as B-O-N-Z-O on the Ouija board. That's a big enough clue to know that he's the drummer for Led Zeppelin, which ended with his accidental death in 1980. Who is it?"

...1. Jack Black 2. John Bonham 3. Justin Bieber 4. Jim Beam John Bonham (1948-1980) is considered by many to be the best rock and roll drummer of all time. For Led Zeppelin's fourth album (1971), each of the band members chose a symbol to represent themselves. Bonham chose one of three interlocking circles from Rudolf Koch's "Book of Signs," that represents the father, mother and child. This symbol is also known as the Borromean rings (a mathematical construct) and is used as the logo for the Ballantine Brewery.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. This spirit introduces himself as B-O-N-Z-O on the Ouija board. That's a big enough clue to know that he's the drummer for Led Zeppelin, which ended with his accidental death in 1980. Who is it?"

John Bonham:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "1. This spirit introduces himself as B-O-N-Z-O on the Ouija board. That's a big enough clue to know that he's the drummer for Led Zeppelin, which ended with his accidental death in 1980. Who is it?"

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