Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. You have severe pain in your lower back and groin accompanied by blood in your urine. You also feel nausea and keep getting infections. What's the most likely cause?"
...1. Pleurisy 2. Kidney stones 3. Typhoid fever 4. Huntington's chorea Solid crystals form in the kidney as a result of the filtration of fluid and waste. Sometimes the crystals form larger stones but these stones usually pose no problems. If they are less than 1/23 inch in diameter they pass through the ureter. Stones larger than 1/3 inch in diameter are too large to even enter the ureter so they stay in the kidneys. The problem comes when a stone between these two sizes enters the ureter but becomes lodged. These stones can cause excruciating pain which begins in the small of the back near the lower ribs. It has been described as a burning, stabbing pain that moves to the front of the body and down to the groin. Drinking lots of fluids to get more fluid through the ureter may cause the stone to pass. If that does not work or if the pain becomes crippling, doctors can use a cytoscope to grab the stone or a lithotriptor to sonically blast the stone into smaller fragments. So far no one has established a kidney bank but England does have a Liverpool.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. You have severe pain in your lower back and groin accompanied by blood in your urine. You also feel nausea and keep getting infections. What's the most likely cause?"
Kidney stones:
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