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Jul 20, 2024

[Ans] What is the current cost for a first-class U.S. postage stamp?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the current cost for a first-class U.S. postage stamp?"

Last Sunday, the cost of a first-class U.S. postage stamp increased for the second time this year, rising from 68 cents to 73 cents. This marks the 19th rate change since 2000 and the fifth price hike in two years. These increases are part of the USPS's 10-year plan to achieve profitability. Despite the frequent hikes, the U.S. Postal Service Office of the Inspector General maintains that a U.S. postage stamp is still a bargain in the global market. The Postal Service reported a $6.5 billion loss in 2023 and is projecting a $6.3 billion deficit in 2024.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the current cost for a first-class U.S. postage stamp?"

73 cents:

Last Sunday, the cost of a first-class U.S. postage stamp increased for the second time this year, rising from 68 cents to 73 cents. This marks the 19th rate change since 2000 and the fifth price hike in two years. These increases are part of the USPS's 10-year plan to achieve profitability. Despite the frequent hikes, the U.S. Postal Service Office of the Inspector General maintains that a U.S. postage stamp is still a bargain in the global market. The Postal Service reported a $6.5 billion loss in 2023 and is projecting a $6.3 billion deficit in 2024.

Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "What is the current cost for a first-class U.S. postage stamp?"

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