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Jul 22, 2024

[Answer] 1. A war, begun in 2001 as Operation Enduring Freedom, was fought primarily in which country, in which the USA took part?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. A war, begun in 2001 as Operation Enduring Freedom, was fought primarily in which country, in which the USA took part?"

...1. Turkmenistan 2. Afghanistan 3. Kyrgystan 4. Turkey The United States and other countries invaded Afghanistan with the intent of nullifying Al-Qaeda, an Islamic group, defined by many countries as a terrorist organization, and dismantling the Taliban. One of the direct triggers of the launch of the operation was the September 11 attacks by Al-Qaeda on two major US cities and their surrounding areas, New York City and Washington D.C. The next month, on October 7, 2001, Afghanistan was entered by troops of the United States, British, French, and Australian armies. Aided by the Northern Alliance, an Afghan group opposed to the Taliban in Afghanistan, the allies defeated the Taliban. Specially targeting the Al-Qaeda, they were successful in their operation to remove Al-Qaeda founder and then-leader Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was killed in May, 2011.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. A war, begun in 2001 as Operation Enduring Freedom, was fought primarily in which country, in which the USA took part?"


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