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Jul 18, 2024

[Answer] 2. From a small and cold city, this next one is warm and crowded, the most densely populated in the world. Yet, it is not the biggest city in the country. This city was the site of a 1975 "thrilla" between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. Which city is it?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. From a small and cold city, this next one is warm and crowded, the most densely populated in the world. Yet, it is not the biggest city in the country. This city was the site of a 1975 "thrilla" between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. Which city is it?"

...1. Manila 2. Singapore 3. Jakarta 4. Kuala Lumpur The capital of the Philippines, Manila has 1.66 million people, but only 39 sq. km, meaning there are around 43,000 Manilans per square kilometer. The city is broken down into 100 districts, and 897 barangays below that. The Thrilla in Manila in 1975 was held in nearby Quezon City, a part of Metro Manila, and was won by Muhammad Ali in the 15th round by TKO over Joe Frazier. The fight actually started at 10:45 am in the Philippines to co-incide with the US prime-time lineups. Some of Manila's sister cities include Beijing, Sydney, and Jakarta.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. From a small and cold city, this next one is warm and crowded, the most densely populated in the world. Yet, it is not the biggest city in the country. This city was the site of a 1975 "thrilla" between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. Which city is it?"


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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "2. From a small and cold city, this next one is warm and crowded, the most densely populated in the world. Yet, it is not the biggest city in the country. This city was the site of a 1975 "thrilla" between Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali. Which city is it?"

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