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Jul 30, 2024

[Answer] 2. Pigeons which have been specially trained to return to their base are known by which of these names?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Pigeons which have been specially trained to return to their base are known by which of these names?"

...1. Homing pigeons 2. Neighbourhood pigeons 3. Returning pigeons 4. Territory pigeons Homing pigeons have been bred from the rock pigeon to refine the birds' natural instinct to return to its home and partner. Birds have been trained to race over distances of up to 1000 km, with the winner being the one who returns in the shortest time. Homing pigeons have also been used extensively to take messages, when they were referred to as carrier pigeons. They featured in both World Wars to carry messages which could not be entrusted to radio and several pigeons were honoured for their achievements. In the UK, the medal awarded was the Dickin Medal with France giving the Croix de guerre to a pigeon named Cher Ami.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Pigeons which have been specially trained to return to their base are known by which of these names?"

Homing pigeons:

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