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Jul 29, 2024

[Answer] 2. Which legendary ice hockey player helped the Boston Bruins to Stanley Cup victories in both 1970 and 1972, winning the Conn Smythe Trophy on both occasions?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "2. Which legendary ice hockey player helped the Boston Bruins to Stanley Cup victories in both 1970 and 1972, winning the Conn Smythe Trophy on both occasions?"

...1. Bernie Parent 2. Bobby Clarke 3. Stan Mikita 4. Bobby Orr Orr was born in Ontario in 1948 and made his NHL debut with the Bruins in 1966. He won the Calder Trophy as Rookie of the Year for 1966/67. In 1970, the Nruins swept the St Louis Blues to win their first Stanley Cup since 1949, with Orr being voted MVP of both the regular sason and the play-offs. Another title came along in 1972, when the New York Rangers were defeated 4-2. Orr again won both the regular season and play-offs MVP awards. After ten seasons with the Bruins, he joined the Chicago Blackhawks as a free agent in 1976.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "2. Which legendary ice hockey player helped the Boston Bruins to Stanley Cup victories in both 1970 and 1972, winning the Conn Smythe Trophy on both occasions?"

Bobby Orr:

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