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Jul 24, 2024

[Answer] 6. Playing a mother and daughter forced to wait out a robbery in their own home, Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart starred in what 2002 thriller?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "6. Playing a mother and daughter forced to wait out a robbery in their own home, Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart starred in what 2002 thriller?"

...1. Panic Room 2. The Sixth Sense 3. The Resident 4. Red Eye Directed by David Fincher, "Panic Room" hit theaters in 2002 becoming his fifth feature film. It didn't disappoint; in the box office it took nearly $200,000,000 and it found positive critical reviews. Aside from Foster and Stewart, the movie also starred Forest Whitaker, Jared Leto, and Dwight Yoakam as the criminals invading her new home. In this 2002 film, set almost entirely within the same solitary house, a mother and daughter were awakened by robbers entering their home to claim millions in bearer bonds from a safe in their new residence's panic room, a room made of steel and concrete and designed to keep the occupants safe.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "6. Playing a mother and daughter forced to wait out a robbery in their own home, Jodie Foster and Kristen Stewart starred in what 2002 thriller?"

Panic Room:

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