Step 1 : Introduction to the question "In the 1982 song by the band Tommy Tutone, what was "Jenny's" number?"
...Released in 1981 by the band Tommy Tutone, this song made 867-5309 the most famous telephone number in the world. It sparked a fad of people dialing the number and asking for "Jenny," driven by its catchy chorus, "Jenny, don't change your number — eight six seven five three oh nine." The song etched the number into the minds of teenagers across the United States. However, the joke quickly wore thin for those who actually had the number. Even decades after the song fell off the charts, those unlucky enough to have been assigned 867-5309 were still receiving a barrage of prank calls.
Step 2 : Answer to the question "In the 1982 song by the band Tommy Tutone, what was "Jenny's" number?"
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