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Jul 25, 2024

[Answer] What is the only country located in the capital city of another country?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " What is the only country located in the capital city of another country? "


Vatican City is a landlocked city state located in Rome, the capital of Italy. With an area of 49 hectares and a population of about 764, as of 2024, it is the smallest state in the world both by area and by population. It gained its independence from Italy in 1928 under the Lateran Treaty

The government is an elected absolute monarchy with the Pope serving as the sovereign of the state. The economy is based on tourism, sales of souvenirs from its museums and tithes collected from Catholics around the world.

The population is made up of primarily religious clerics and the Swiss Guard who provide security. It has a zero birth rate as there are no hospitals or birthing facilities there. This means there are no naturally born citizens of Vatican City, which helps explain why the population is so small, and will always remain small, unless the laws are changed and proper health care facilities become available.

More Info: en.wikipedia.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " What is the only country located in the capital city of another country? "


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