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Jul 21, 2024

[Answer] Who made it big in 1960 with an album of one-sided phone calls?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who made it big in 1960 with an album of one-sided phone calls?"

...Bob Newhart crafted his comedic monologues with a co-worker from his years in advertising, hoping to sell them to radio stations. Nobody bought them, and the pair split. Newhart didn’t give up on his comedy career, though: The newly formed Warner Bros. Records was eager for new talent and took a chance on Newhart’s unconventional style. “The Button Down Mind” would win the Album of the Year Grammy, and along with the sequel “The Button Down Mind Strikes Back!,” occupied the top two spots on the Billboard charts for 30 weeks.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who made it big in 1960 with an album of one-sided phone calls?"

Bob Newhart:

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