Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. A trader's ship lost. A pound of flesh is the fee. Pick the lead casket. Who wanted a pound of flesh?"
...1. Salerio 2. Salarino 3. Shylock 4. Solanio Shylock is the villain in the play 'The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare. Bassanio is a young nobleman who, having wasted all his fortune, wants a loan from his friend, Antonio, who is the merchant in the title. The reason that Bassanio wants the money is to court Portia, a rich heiress. Antonio does not have the money but agrees to be the guarantor when Bassanio borrows it from Shylock, the moneylender. Shylock is reluctant to enter into the transaction because Antonio, who hates Jews, has treated him harshly in the past. Finally he agrees but only on condition that if Antonio defaults he must give the moneylender a pound of his flesh. Things go wrong when the merchant's ships are lost at sea and Shylock demands his fee. A dramatic court case ensues, which contains two of Shakespeare's most famous speeches, '"Hath not a Jew eyes'" spoken by Shylock and "The quality of mercy" spoken by Portia. Antonio is saved and Bassanio succeeds in the test that those who want to marry Portia must go through: a test in which they must pick from a gold, a silver or a lead casket. Bassanio picks the correct one, the lead casket, and the marriage takes place. Question by Calpurnia09
Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. A trader's ship lost. A pound of flesh is the fee. Pick the lead casket. Who wanted a pound of flesh?"
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