Step 1 : Introduction to the question "4. Choose the line which correctly completes the fourth lyric of the second verse from a popular song called "Me and My Shadow," written in 1927: "Me and my shadow Strolling down the avenue Me and my shadow""
...1. Hoping he won't step upon my shoe 2. Not a soul to tell our troubles to 3. Thinking that we really need shampoo 4. Unlike him I do have a tattoo "Me and My Shadow", written in 1927, has been recorded by many artists, including Ferlin Husky, Frank Sinatra, and Perry Como. This is an old standard, featured in many a soft shoe routine!
Step 2 : Answer to the question "4. Choose the line which correctly completes the fourth lyric of the second verse from a popular song called "Me and My Shadow," written in 1927: "Me and my shadow Strolling down the avenue Me and my shadow""
Not a soul to tell our troubles to:
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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "4. Choose the line which correctly completes the fourth lyric of the second verse from a popular song called "Me and My Shadow," written in 1927: "Me and my shadow Strolling down the avenue Me and my shadow""
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