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Feb 4, 2025

[Answer] 3. Which Hall of Fame would I be touring if I saw plaques of Honus Wagner, Jackie Robinson and Babe Ruth?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "3. Which Hall of Fame would I be touring if I saw plaques of Honus Wagner, Jackie Robinson and Babe Ruth? "

...1. National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum 2. Hockey Hall of Fame 3. Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame 4. International Tennis Hall of Fame The National Baseball Hall of Fame (located in Cooperstown, New York) is also a museum which contains historical artifacts from the sport. Honus Wagner (1874-1955) was a shortstop, coach, and manager who spent over 50 years with the Pittsburgh Pirates. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame the first year it was open, Babe Ruth was elected the same year. Babe Ruth (1895-1948) was a left-handed rightfielder who played 22 seasons of which 14 were spent with the New York Yankees. He was known for his home-run hitting skills. Jackie Robinson (1919-1972) was the first black man to play in Major League Baseball. He debuted in 1947 and he was chosen Rookie of the Year at the end of his first season. When he was elected into the Hall of Fame in 1962, Major League Baseball universally retired his number (this meant that his number "42" jersey was retired by every team).

Step 2 : Answer to the question "3. Which Hall of Fame would I be touring if I saw plaques of Honus Wagner, Jackie Robinson and Babe Ruth? "

National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum:

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