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Jan 30, 2020

[Answer] What is the only lake that drains to two different oceans?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the only lake that drains to two different oceans?"

...1. Isa Lake, Wyoming 2. Lake Superior, Michigan 3. Lake Granby, Colorado 4. Two Ocean Lake, Wyoming

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the only lake that drains to two different oceans?"

Isa Lake, Wyoming - Contrary to its name, Two Ocean Lake does not drain into two oceans. That trait is unique to Isa Lake in Yellowstone National Park in the northwest corner of Wyoming. At an elevation of 8,262 feet, Isa sits at the top of the continental divide, so high that it sometimes overflows with snowmelt in the spring, forcing the lake to drain in two directions. In one direction, water flows to the Firehole River in the west and then zigzags, eventually ending up in the Atlantic Ocean via the Mississippi Delta. In the other, water from the east passes into Shoshone Lake, then zigzags west via the Columbia and Snake Rivers, at last arriving in the Pacific Ocean. That's a big feat for a small lake!:

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