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Feb 22, 2020

[Answer] How many steps are there to the top of the Eiffel Tower?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "How many steps are there to the top of the Eiffel Tower?"

...1. 999 steps 2. 1,250 steps 3. 1,558 steps 4. 1,665 steps

Step 2 : Answer to the question "How many steps are there to the top of the Eiffel Tower?"

1,665 steps - If you're planning to climb the Eiffel Tower, you'd better start training. At 1,063 feet tall, the \"Iron Lady\" currently has 1,665 steps from the esplanade to the top of the tower. Don't worry, though — you won't be forced to climb all of them if you visit. Only the 674 steps leading to the second floor, 377 feet above ground, are open to the public. And you don't even have to climb those, because the tower also has multiple elevators to transport you from the esplanade to the second floor, and then from the second floor to the top. Thanks to the millions of people who visit the famed landmark every year, these elevators travel upwards of 64,000 miles annually! Athletes have a chance to climb all 1,665 steps during the Eiffel Tower Vertical Race, but that happens once a year and is limited to less than 150 people.:

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