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Aug 17, 2020

[Answer] Why is the Bronx called the Bronx?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Why is the Bronx called the Bronx?"

...1. After a landowner named Jonas Bronck 2. After a Dutch town of the same name 3. An anglicized version of the Native American name 4. After King Charles II

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Why is the Bronx called the Bronx?"

After a landowner named Jonas Bronck - The first European nation to colonize what we now know as New York State was the Netherlands. The colony was called New Amsterdam until the English conquered it in 1664 and renamed it New York City. But 25 years earlier, in 1639, Swedish-born Jonas Bronck purchased 500 acres of land, naming it Bronck's Land. A large river, the Aquahung, passed through his land. When Bronck was murdered four years later and new settlers took over, his name was almost erased from the land — except for the river, which was named Bronck’s River. That eventually became Bronx River, which is where the borough of the Bronx gets its name. It’s one of two New York City boroughs named for people — the other, Queens, is named for Charles II’s wife Catherine of Braganza.:

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