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Oct 22, 2020

[Answer] What is the name of Alice's pet cat in "Alice in Wonderland"?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the name of Alice's pet cat in "Alice in Wonderland"?"

...1. Pat 2. Dinah 3. Lory 4. Duchess

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the name of Alice's pet cat in "Alice in Wonderland"?"

Dinah - When Alice first falls into Wonderland, she often talks or thinks about her beloved cat, Dinah, who has stayed behind in the real world. Curiouser and curiouser though, Dinah is quickly forgotten as Alice becomes wrapped up in the world of Mad Hatters and vicious Queens. In fact, she only mentions Dinah once after she officially enters Wonderland. Based on her early experiences mentioning Dinah to the Mouse and to some birds, she quickly realizes the Wonderland creatures are afraid of Dinah. So when Alice becomes trapped in Rabbit's house, she threatens to get Dinah to chase Rabbit if he burns down his house. This little feline threat ultimately works — Alice is freed, but poor Dinah is never mentioned again.:

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