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Oct 10, 2020

[Answer] Where is the 40-ft. deep lake The Pool of Peace located?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Where is the 40-ft. deep lake The Pool of Peace located?"

...Lone Tree Crater, also known as the Spanbroekmolen Mine Crater, formed on the morning of June 7, 1917, at the hands of the British army. The British blew up nineteen mines on that day, the Spanbroekmolen Mine being the largest. This event marked the beginning of the World War I Battle of Messines. The charge to blow up the mine consisted of 500 pounds of ammonal and 500 pounds of dynamite. An enormous crater resulted from the blast. Because of the high water table, the crater quickly filled with water. The 12-meter deep (40 feet) crater has a diameter of 129 meters (423 feet.) Toc H in Poperinge purchased the crater in the 1920s and changed the name to the "Pool of Peace." Source: GreatWar.co.UK

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Where is the 40-ft. deep lake The Pool of Peace located?"

Messines Ridge, Belgium:

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1 comment:

  1. Named the Y-40 Deep Joy, the pool is now the star attraction at the Hotel Millepini, located in the Montegrotto Terme resort area, near Venice, Italy
