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Nov 7, 2020

[Answer] What is the signature ingredient in the Algonquin Hotel's $10,000 martini?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "What is the signature ingredient in the Algonquin Hotel's $10,000 martini? "

...1. Gold flakes 2. Shaved truffles 3. 120-year-old vodka 4. A diamond

Step 2 : Answer to the question "What is the signature ingredient in the Algonquin Hotel's $10,000 martini? "

A diamond - Never mind a martini on the rocks, at New York's legendary Algonquin Hotel, you can order a "Martini on the Rock." Specifically, a martini studded with a $10,000 diamond. Ordering this glittering martini requires 72 hours notice and a visit to a jeweler where you can pick out your desired diamond and setting. From there, it's served up in the Algonquin's historic Blue Bar, so named for its vibrant blue lighting. As you might expect, the first person to buy one of these specialty martinis was a young man looking to pop the question. The drink has been on the menu since 2005, though the hotel admits that ordering the diamond martini is a pretty rare occurrence. Talk about a real night on the town!:

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