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Nov 7, 2020

[Answer] Which was the first American film to feature a toilet flushing?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which was the first American film to feature a toilet flushing?"

...1. "A Clockwork Orange" 2. "Dr. No" 3. "Psycho" 4. "Lolita"

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which was the first American film to feature a toilet flushing?"

"Psycho" - Prior to the ‘60s, showing a toilet on film was considered inappropriate. But the shock factor never stopped Alfred Hitchcock. Although flushing had been heard in films before, never had a toilet been shown flushing on film until the 1960 thriller, “Psycho.” Prior to taking a shower, Marion Crane, played by Janet Leigh, flushes the toilet, and Hitchcock is sure to capture the last remaining piece of paper that refused to flush — evidence that would come back to haunt Norman Bates. After stabbing Crane to death, Bates’ clue would eventually aid detectives in finding out what really happened. Originally, the clue was supposed to be Crane’s earring, but apparently, toilet paper won Hitchcock over.:

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