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Dec 25, 2020

[Answer] The pavlova dessert is named after a professional in what artistic field?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "The pavlova dessert is named after a professional in what artistic field?"

...1. Singing 2. Piano 3. Ballet 4. Acting

Step 2 : Answer to the question "The pavlova dessert is named after a professional in what artistic field?"

Ballet - Crispy, sweet meringue combined with zesty fruits and luscious cream: it's the perfect Antipodean dessert. Australia and New Zealand debate endlessly over who invented the pavlova, but they do agree that it was named after Russian ballet dancer Anna Pavlova, who visited both nations in the 1920s. New Zealand legend has it that the pavlova was created by a chef at a Wellington hotel, in honor of the Prima Ballerina's visit in 1926. However, historians have been unable to verify this. Nor have they been able to confirm Australia's story — that in 1935, an Aussie chef invented this meringue-based dessert, and it was hailed "as light as Pavlova." While the pavlova's origins fuel foodie fights in Australia and New Zealand, one thing is for sure: it's delicious no matter which country you're in.:

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