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Dec 25, 2020

[Answer] Which actress voiced the titular Grand Duchess in "Anastasia" (1997)?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Which actress voiced the titular Grand Duchess in "Anastasia" (1997)?"

...1. Jennifer Aniston 2. Demi Moore 3. Meg Ryan 4. Sandra Bullock

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Which actress voiced the titular Grand Duchess in "Anastasia" (1997)?"

Meg Ryan - How did the filmmakers behind the animated musical “Anastasia” (1997) convince Meg Ryan to voice their long-lost Russian Grand Duchess? In an interview with “The Hollywood Reporter,” screenwriter Bruce Graham recalled how Ryan was always the first choice for the titular role. But they did contrive a plan to coax her into accepting the part. In a meeting Graham attended in Los Angeles with co-directors Don Bluth and Gary Goldman, they showed her an animated scene from the film featuring her voice using lines from "When Harry Met Sally..." (1989). And no, it wasn’t dialogue from the “I’ll have what she’s having” scene. Rounding out the voice cast were John Cusack as Dimitri, Kelsey Grammer as Vlad, Christopher Lloyd as Rasputin, Hank Azaria as Bartok the bat, Bernadette Peters as Sophie, and Angela Lansbury as the Dowager Empress Marie.:

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