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Jan 4, 2021

[Answer] Who ruled the Promised Land after Joshua died?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "Who ruled the Promised Land after Joshua died?"

...Joshua was a strong and faithful leader who brought the Israelites into Canaan after 40 years of wandering the desert. Joshua guided the people, helped them settle in their new home, and before his death, charged them to remain faithful to God. However, the tribes of Israel were scattered and many failed to remain faithful following Joshua's death. They turned to worshipping false gods and idols, and they incurred God's wrath. God handed them over to their enemies, but when He saw their despair, He softened and appointed judges over the people to save and protect them. With this, God began a cycle wherein the people of Israel disobeyed God and He sent a judge to correct them. But upon each judge's death, the people strayed again and again. They needed a stronger savior, though it would be many, many years until they got one.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "Who ruled the Promised Land after Joshua died?"

A series of judges:

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Step 3 : Disclaimer & Terms of Use regarding the question "Who ruled the Promised Land after Joshua died?"

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