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Feb 4, 2021

[Answer] 1. In which modern day country is the Gallipoli Peninsula, where the strategic Gallipoli Campaign was fought between April 1915 and January 1916?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question "1. In which modern day country is the Gallipoli Peninsula, where the strategic Gallipoli Campaign was fought between April 1915 and January 1916?"

...1. Italy 2. North Africa 3. Turkey 4. Belgium The Gallipoli Campaign stretched on for over eight months, with the Allies attempting to take control of Eastern Europe, taking the Ottoman capital of Constantinople (Istanbul) and opening up a sea route to Russia. The conditions were terrible, with overpowering heat in summer, leading to bodies being left unburied and rotting, attracting swarms of flies. This lead to filthy, unhygienic conditions which caused a dysentery outbreak. Winter was not much better, as the weather became precarious, with torrential rain and gales causing low lying areas to flood, there was also a problem with frostbite, due to the colder temperatures. Unfortunately, the campaign was a failure for the Allies, but seen as a great victory to the Ottoman Empire. The Gallipoli Campaign was the first major campaign of the ANZACs (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps)giving rise to Anzac Day (April 25th) commemorated by both countries annually.

Step 2 : Answer to the question "1. In which modern day country is the Gallipoli Peninsula, where the strategic Gallipoli Campaign was fought between April 1915 and January 1916?"


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