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Oct 23, 2021

[Answer] In 1997, which technological design was named after a Viking king?

Step 1 : Introduction to the question " In 1997, which technological design was named after a Viking king? "


The king whose name they used was as exceptional at connecting people as the technology is in connecting devices. The exact year of King Harald Bluetooth’s birth is a matter of debate, but most historians agree that it was around the year 910. What is known for sure is that Harald Bluetooth was the younger son of Gorm the Old and Queen Thyra and was the man responsible for the unification of the factions of Denmark with those in south Sweden and in Norway.

His nickname, Bluetooth, first appeared in the Roskilde Chronicle in 1140 and there are several amusing explanations. According to one story, it is because the king had a rotting tooth that appeared to be blue.

The Ericsson website states another possibility: King Harald I of Denmark enjoyed eating blueberries so much he had blue teeth.

A third, but not less interesting theory, states that he often wore blue clothing, signifying his royal status.

The Bluetooth wireless specification design, nonetheless, was named after the king in 1997, based on an analogy that the technology would unite devices the way Harald Bluetooth united the tribes of Denmark into a single kingdom. The Bluetooth logo consists of a Younger Futhark bind rune (also called Scandinavian runes, a runic alphabet, and a reduced form of the Elder Futhark with only 16 characters) for his initials, H (ᚼ) and B (ᛒ).

More Info: en.wikipedia.org

Step 2 : Answer to the question " In 1997, which technological design was named after a Viking king? "


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